Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Coffee house Kavalerka
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Coffee house Kavalerka

Lviv, vul. Brativ Rohatyntsiv 45
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Coffee house Kavalerka
Lviv, vul. Brativ Rohatyntsiv 45
Lviv, vul. Brativ Rohatyntsiv 45
+38 068 589 9100
Cuisine:  European
"Kawalerka" is located not far from Rynok Square. The stylish interior of the restaurant is designed in contemporary style with pastel colors, wooden windows, pictures on the walls, soft lighting and bouquets of natural flowers. The coffee house serves a variety of classic coffee cocktails, alcoholic coffee and coffee prepared in three popular alternative ways. The menu offers international cuisine. Visitors can taste Italian pasta and bruschetta, Polish Żurek soup and Czech veal, German beer sausage and Asian fare.
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