Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Khutorok
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Restaurant Khutorok

Lviv, vul. Bodnarska 4
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Restaurant Khutorok
Lviv, vul. Bodnarska 4
Lviv, vul. Bodnarska 4
+38 032 247 5630
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
«Khutorok» offers its guests traditional Ukrainian cuisine prepared according to old family recipes. The interior design resembles an old rural cottage with traditional ethnic decoration items such as vyshyvankas (embroidered shirt), painted white-washed walls, massive wood furniture and pottery. Guests can enjoy Ukrainian borsch with pampushkas, dumplings and potato pancakes with various fillings and grilled dishes. There are also homemade tinctures (nastoyankas) and liqueurs (nalyvkas).
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