Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Leopolis

Restaurant Leopolis

Lviv, vul. Teatralna 16
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Restaurant Leopolis
Lviv, vul. Teatralna 16
Lviv, vul. Teatralna 16
+38 032 295 9502
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Average bill: 
In a few minutes walking from Ploshcha Rynok (Market Square) on the ground floor of «the Leopolis» hotel there is a same name restaurant. Interior of the place is designed in classic style - pastel colors, wooden furniture, expensive cream toned textile and real flowers. The menu offers popular dishes of European and Ukrainian cuisines. A particular highlight of the restaurant is the taste menu presenting dishes of Ukrainian cuisine in signature performance of the head chef. Diners may order gri...
In a few minutes walking from Ploshcha Rynok (Market Square) on the ground floor of «the Leopolis» hotel there is a same name restaurant. Interior of the place is designed in classic style - pastel colors, wooden furniture, expensive cream toned textile and real flowers. The menu offers popular dishes of European and Ukrainian cuisines. A particular highlight of the restaurant is the taste menu presenting dishes of Ukrainian cuisine in signature performance of the head chef. Diners may order grilled, vegetarian and Lenten food as well as various fish dishes.
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