Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Pizzeria Mama Mia
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Pizzeria Mama Mia

Mama Mia
Lviv, vul. Pekarska 16
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Pizzeria Mama Mia
Lviv, vul. Pekarska 16
Lviv, vul. Pekarska 16
+38 097 402 4794
Cuisine:  Pizza
«Mama Mia» makes you feel like being in a cozy Italian courtyard. The original interior design recreates the atmosphere of quiet streets of Italy. There are warm beige colors, crude stone and landscapes of the peninsula. The menu offers a variety of Italian food prepared according to traditional recipes. Guests can enjoy a thin-crust pizza with different toppings baked in wood-fired oven. Guests can taste tiramisu – classic Italian dessert. The bar offers a variety of coffee drinks and spirits.
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