Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Pizzeria Pinokkio Trali-Vali
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Pizzeria Pinokkio Trali-Vali

Pinokkio Trali-Vali
Lviv, pr. Kryva Lypa 7/10
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Pizzeria Pinokkio Trali-Vali
Lviv, pr. Kryva Lypa 7/10
Lviv, pr. Kryva Lypa 7/10
+38 097 267 4493
Cuisine:  ItalianPizza
Average bill: 
Restaurant Pizzeria "Pinocchio" is located in Halytskyi district of Lviv. Contemporary style interior features wood finish, cozy couches and designer tables. In the middle of the dining hall there is a western bar counter and a wood fired oven where chefs bake house special Italian pizza in the full view of guests. The menu offers popular European and Italian dishes including signature piroshky and pot roast. In the morning guests may order breakfast sets and business lunches at dinner time. The restaurant has a delivery service.
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