Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Renesans
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Restaurant Renesans

Lviv, vul. Pavla Kovzhuna 2
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Restaurant Renesans
Lviv, vul. Pavla Kovzhuna 2
Lviv, vul. Pavla Kovzhuna 2
Cuisine:  EuropeanJapanese
Average bill: 
Club-restaurant "Renesans” is located in Galytskyi district of Lviv, on Pavla Kovzhuna street. There are several spacious halls, decorated in lounge style. Chefs of the restaurant specialise in cooking popular dishes of European and Japanese cuisine. Guests are treated with a variety of author's alcoholic cocktails and served fragrant hookah. The house is equipped with professional lighting and musical equipment. Guests can sing their favourite songs in karaoke. Theme and dance parties are held ...
Club-restaurant "Renesans” is located in Galytskyi district of Lviv, on Pavla Kovzhuna street. There are several spacious halls, decorated in lounge style. Chefs of the restaurant specialise in cooking popular dishes of European and Japanese cuisine. Guests are treated with a variety of author's alcoholic cocktails and served fragrant hookah. The house is equipped with professional lighting and musical equipment. Guests can sing their favourite songs in karaoke. Theme and dance parties are held here, popular DJs perform, live music sounds regularly.

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