Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Cafe Smachni Sezony
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Cafe Smachni Sezony

Smachni Sezony
Lviv, vul. Patona 2/2
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Cafe Smachni Sezony
Lviv, vul. Patona 2/2
Lviv, vul. Patona 2/2
+38 067 310 7172
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalianUkrainianPizza
Average bill: 
«Smachni Sezony» is a part of fast food restaurants of the same name. This bistro is located in Zheleznodorozhnyi district in Lviv. The restaurant serves traditional Ukrainian fare cooked according to family recipes and from natural farm products. The menu offers breakfast options, first courses, salads, meat and fish dishes. There is a wide selection of desserts. Guests can enjoy homemade Ptichye Moloko (Bird’s Milk Cake) and Drunken Cherry (Pyanaya Vishnya Cake).
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