Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Cafe Smachni Sezony
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Cafe Smachni Sezony

Smachni Sezony
Lviv, vul. Heroyiv UPA 80
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Cafe Smachni Sezony
Lviv, vul. Heroyiv UPA 80
Lviv, vul. Heroyiv UPA 80
+38 067 674 7040
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalianUkrainianPizza
Average bill: 
«Smachni Sezony» is located on Heroyiv UPA Street. The interior is executed in contemporary style with wood finish, light beige colors and natural flowers. There is a large glass case with main courses and desserts. This fast-food restaurant serves popular Italian and Eastern European fare prepared with farm products. You can order pancakes with different fillings and different omelettes.
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