Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Cafe Smachni Sezony
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Cafe Smachni Sezony

Smachni Sezony
Lviv, vul. Fedʹkovycha 38
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Cafe Smachni Sezony
Lviv, vul. Fedʹkovycha 38
Lviv, vul. Fedʹkovycha 38
+38 067 673 8466
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalianUkrainianPizza
Average bill: 
«Smachni Sezony» is located not far from the Railway Employees Palace in the center of Lviv. It is a part of fast-food restaurant chain. There is a main hall and a spacious summer terrace. The interior is carried out in beige colors with floor-to-ceiling windows and natural flowers. The restaurant serves popular Italian and Ukrainian cuisines. The menu is regularly updated according to the season. The restaurant is famous for its pizzas with different toppings and meat pockets (dumplings). There...
«Smachni Sezony» is located not far from the Railway Employees Palace in the center of Lviv. It is a part of fast-food restaurant chain. There is a main hall and a spacious summer terrace. The interior is carried out in beige colors with floor-to-ceiling windows and natural flowers. The restaurant serves popular Italian and Ukrainian cuisines. The menu is regularly updated according to the season. The restaurant is famous for its pizzas with different toppings and meat pockets (dumplings). There are coffee mixes, teas, fresh juices and milkshakes in the bar card.
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