Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Staryy Royal
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Restaurant Staryy Royal

Staryy Royal
Lviv, vul. Stavropihiyska 3
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Restaurant Staryy Royal
Lviv, vul. Stavropihiyska 3
Lviv, vul. Stavropihiyska 3
+38 095 944 7838
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainianGalician
Average bill: 
"Staryi Royal" is a restaurant located in the heart of Lviv. Classic design of interior is created of a bar counter stylized as a piano, elegant textile decor, dark wood furniture, Becker grand piano in the main hall and soft lighting. The menu combines traditional European and home Ukrainian cuisines. Specialty of the house is food prepared on a grill. In the evening guests may enjoy live music and dance on a specially equipped dance floor.
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