Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Tex-Mex BBQ (Тех-Мекс барбекю)
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Restaurant Tex-Mex BBQ (Тех-Мекс барбекю)

Tex-Mex BBQ
Lviv, vul. Dudayeva 7
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Restaurant Tex-Mex BBQ (Тех-Мекс барбекю)
Lviv, vul. Dudayeva 7
Lviv, vul. Dudayeva 7
+38 099 236 1662
Cuisine:  AmericanMexican
American Restaurant «Tex-Mex BBQ» is located in Galitskyi region in Lviv. Guests can enjoy Texan and Mexican cuisines. Visitors can order ribs and chicken, tacos, burritos, enchiladas, chili soup, a wide range of veal dishes. Homemade bread is used for sandwiches. Meals are prepared in the open kitchen. The menu offers a good selection of steaks and specialties such as Mexican corn tortillas. Guests can taste several kinds of tequila. The restaurant has a special children’s menu for little guests older than 12 years.
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