Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Cafe Varenyky International
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Cafe Varenyky International

Varenyky International
Lviv, vul. Krakivsʹka 1/3
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Cafe Varenyky International
Lviv, vul. Krakivsʹka 1/3
Lviv, vul. Krakivsʹka 1/3
+38 067 767 8898
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
«Varenyky International» is located on Krakivska Street in the heart of Lviv. This conceptual stylish restaurant offers its visitors a wide range of Ukrainian, Eastern European and Asian fare prepared with the use of new technologies. The café is famous for its dumplings. The menu includes more than ten varieties of traditional Ukrainian dumplings, as well as Italian ravioli, Georgian khinkali, Chinese Wontons and other. Visitors can order homemade nastoikas (digestives) on berries, fruits and honey.
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