Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Antalia
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Restaurant Antalia

Odessa, ul. Uspenskaya 44
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Restaurant Antalia
Odessa, ul. Uspenskaya 44
Odessa, ul. Uspenskaya 44
+38 048 725 6136
Cuisine:  MediterraneanTurkish
Antalia restaurant is located in a few steps from Bazarnaya Street in Primorskiy district of Odessa. The menu offers traditional dishes of Turkish cuisine. Favorites on the menu are doner kebab, lamb with vegetables as well as gourmet options such as karishik pide and beity (bakery stuffed with meat). In the morning the restaurant serves breakfast sets. After lunchtime guests may smoke here a hookah. The interior is designed in traditional oriental style - comfortable couches and handmade carpets, themed decor on the walls and soft lighting.
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