Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Cafe Avi Green Food
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Cafe Avi Green Food

Avi Green Food
Odessa, ul. Ekaterininskaia 6
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Cafe Avi Green Food
Odessa, ul. Ekaterininskaia 6
Odessa, ul. Ekaterininskaia 6
+38 067 791 2630
Cuisine:  JewishFast FoodEastern
Avi Green Food is located on Yekaterininska Street. This place is a part of fast-food restaurant chain. The menu features popular Jewish cuisine. Guests can enjoy such as Shawarma, falafel and Schnitzel. Beverage options include coffee drinks, fresh juices and several varieties of cold tea. The interior is made in the spirit of contemporary minimalism. White and green colors, natural wood and simple furniture are widely used. Visitors can hear live music. There is also a summer terrace.
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