Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Babel Fish
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Restaurant Babel Fish

Babel Fish
Odessa, vul. Grecheska 5
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Restaurant Babel Fish
Odessa, vul. Grecheska 5
Odessa, vul. Grecheska 5
+38 067 488 8582
Cuisine:  EuropeanSeafoodFishOdesskaya
Average bill: 
The conceptual fish restaurant Babel Fish is located in the central part of Odessa on the Grecheska Street offers. The menu offers multinational cuisine. Guests can enjoy Mediterranean, European, French and Odessa fare. The restaurant serves shrimps, squids, gobies, salmon, trout and flounder. It also provides breakfast options. Design interior of the restaurant is executed in modern style. Guests can enjoy live music in the evenings.
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