Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Coffee house Biella Caffe
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Coffee house Biella Caffe

Biella Caffe
Odessa, ul. Yekaterininskaya 12
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Coffee house Biella Caffe
Odessa, ul. Yekaterininskaya 12
Odessa, ul. Yekaterininskaya 12
+38 063 557 2755
Cuisine:  Italian
Biella Caffe is located on Yekaterininska Square in Primorsky district of Odessa. This small pastry shop serves delicious Italian desserts. The menu offers gelato and a wide selection of homemade ice cream with different flavors prepared according to a secret recipe. Guests can enjoy pyadina, Italian cake with fillings like greens, tomatoes, bacon, salami and cheese. The interior is executed in spirit of minimalism. White and delicate light green colours are widely used in the design.
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