Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Bodega 2Karla (Bodega 2K)
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Restaurant Bodega 2Karla (Bodega 2K)

Bodega 2Karla
Odessa, vul. Hretska 32
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Restaurant Bodega 2Karla (Bodega 2K)
Odessa, vul. Hretska 32
Odessa, vul. Hretska 32
+38 096 524 1601
Cuisine:  Odesskaya
Average bill: 
"Bodega 2 Karla" is a conceptual restaurant of Bessarabian cuisine in Odesa, located on Gretska street. "Bodega 2 Karla" is one of the oldest establishments in Odesa, where Bessarabian wines are served since the middle of the nineteenth century. Interior is designed in rural style, with emphasis on natural wood and forged decor elements. The restaurant's hall resembles cozy and stylish antique wine cellar with plank decoration and fragments of natural masonry on the walls. Menu contains the anci...
"Bodega 2 Karla" is a conceptual restaurant of Bessarabian cuisine in Odesa, located on Gretska street. "Bodega 2 Karla" is one of the oldest establishments in Odesa, where Bessarabian wines are served since the middle of the nineteenth century. Interior is designed in rural style, with emphasis on natural wood and forged decor elements. The restaurant's hall resembles cozy and stylish antique wine cellar with plank decoration and fragments of natural masonry on the walls. Menu contains the ancient dishes of the peoples, inhabiting the southern part of Odesa and Chernivtsi regions, as well as traditional Moldovan food. The specialties of the house are mamalyga, platsinda, vertuta with different fillings, as well as Moldovan mitetey, beef, stewed with prunes, liver and bean paste, cookies with cheese, pancakes with apples, rose petals and Bulgarian dish Milina. Guests can order and even buy a variety of home-made Bessarabian wines.

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