Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Budapest
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Restaurant Budapest

Odessa, vul. Zhukovskoho 34
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Restaurant Budapest
Odessa, vul. Zhukovskoho 34
Odessa, vul. Zhukovskoho 34
+38 048 787 8686
Cuisine:  EuropeanHungarian
Average bill: 
Budapest is located on Zhukovskogo Street. The luxurious interior of the restaurant is designed in classic style with dark wood furniture, expensive textiles and gilt chandeliers and sconces. The restaurant features a main hall, a lounge bar and a summer terrace. Guests can enjoy Hungarian, European and Mediterranean cuisine. The Chef recommends veal tartar, foie gras with mango, Esterházy torta, Csipetke and soft-salted salmon. Beverage options include the best Hungarian wines. There is live music in the evenings.
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