Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Casa Nova
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Restaurant Casa Nova

Casa Nova
Odessa, ul. Deribasovskaya 4
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Restaurant Casa Nova
Odessa, ul. Deribasovskaya 4
Odessa, ul. Deribasovskaya 4
+38 067 485 0000
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalianSeafoodMediterranean
Casa Nova is located on the main street of Odessa. This two-storied Italian restaurant features several separate halls, a bar and a spacious summer terrace. The interior resembles a Mediterranean-styled tavern in sand colors with white textile, fresh flowers and light wood furniture. The menu offers popular Italian fare. Music lovers will appreciate special professional karaoke equipment. You’ll be able to choose appropriate wine to accompany your meal with the help of professional sommelier working here. There is also a hookah menu.
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