Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Katran Z
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Restaurant Katran Z

Katran Z
Odessa, pr. Mayachnyy 13
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Restaurant Katran Z
Odessa, pr. Mayachnyy 13
Odessa, pr. Mayachnyy 13
+38 048 746 8155
Cuisine:  EuropeanSeafoodJapaneseFishOdesskaya
Average bill: 
On the territory of Katran resort located on the Black Sea coast there is a same name fish restaurant. Architectural concept of the establishment creates gives guests an impression that they are on the board of a luxurious liner. Inside there is a classic contemporary interior of pastel colors, crystal chandeliers, carved wooden furniture and picture windows opening picturesque views. The menu includes popular dishes of European, Mediterranean and Japanese cuisines with a focus on marine product...
On the territory of Katran resort located on the Black Sea coast there is a same name fish restaurant. Architectural concept of the establishment creates gives guests an impression that they are on the board of a luxurious liner. Inside there is a classic contemporary interior of pastel colors, crystal chandeliers, carved wooden furniture and picture windows opening picturesque views. The menu includes popular dishes of European, Mediterranean and Japanese cuisines with a focus on marine products. Specialties of the house are Pirate dinner, Fish fantasy, Exotic flavors and Poseidon gifts. The alcohol menu lists a selection of European wines and up-market hard liquors. Katran arranges themed musical evenings, fashion-shows, culinary master-classes and tasting sessions.
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