Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant I Yuan
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Restaurant I Yuan

I Yuan
Odessa, vul. Akademika Koroleva 43 A
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Restaurant I Yuan
Odessa, vul. Akademika Koroleva 43 A
Odessa, vul. Akademika Koroleva 43 A
+38 048 714 7156
Cuisine:  Chinese
Average bill: 
I Yuan
I Yuan
I Yuan
Iyuan is a restaurant of traditional Chinese cuisine located in Kievskiy district of Odessa not far from Juznyi market. The establishment has a contemporary interior completed with themed and ethnic elements of decor. Guests may choose of Chinese and Thai dishes cooked according to authentic recipes from different provinces. Specialties of the house are Royal chicken and Chrysanthemum fish. The restaurant often arranges culinary master classes for visitors. Iyuan has three dining halls, two of w...
Iyuan is a restaurant of traditional Chinese cuisine located in Kievskiy district of Odessa not far from Juznyi market. The establishment has a contemporary interior completed with themed and ethnic elements of decor. Guests may choose of Chinese and Thai dishes cooked according to authentic recipes from different provinces. Specialties of the house are Royal chicken and Chrysanthemum fish. The restaurant often arranges culinary master classes for visitors. Iyuan has three dining halls, two of which are furnished for banquets. The restaurant has a takeaway service.
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