Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Jardin
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Restaurant Jardin

Odessa, vul. Gavanna 10
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Restaurant Jardin
Odessa, vul. Gavanna 10
Odessa, vul. Gavanna 10
+38 094 952 4471
Cuisine:  ItalianFrench
Average bill: 
Jardin is situated in the romantic City Garden in the heart of Odessa. A cozy house in the Provence style is in pastel cream colors with carved furniture, tablecloths with floral pattern, and curtains of expensive material. It is a perfect place to try the best highlights of French and Italian cuisine. House specialties include Strachatella mozzarella, carpaccio with horseflesh, Tafelspitz with Black Sea mussels’ bouillon. Other offerings include steaks cooked on the grill. A sommelier is availa...
Jardin is situated in the romantic City Garden in the heart of Odessa. A cozy house in the Provence style is in pastel cream colors with carved furniture, tablecloths with floral pattern, and curtains of expensive material. It is a perfect place to try the best highlights of French and Italian cuisine. House specialties include Strachatella mozzarella, carpaccio with horseflesh, Tafelspitz with Black Sea mussels’ bouillon. Other offerings include steaks cooked on the grill. A sommelier is available to help guide you through the extensive wine list. Guests can enjoy wines of France, Italy, Spain and Chile.
Site: jardin.od.ua
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