Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Kamasutra
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Restaurant Kamasutra

Odessa, ul. Bunina 19
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Restaurant Kamasutra
Odessa, ul. Bunina 19
Odessa, ul. Bunina 19
+38 048 735 7766
Cuisine:  Indian
Kamasutra is located not far from the Polsky Spusk in Primorsky district of Odessa. The exotic interior is executed in traditional oriental style. The walls are adorned with bas-reliefs and paintings with fragments of ancient frescoes, Dining area is decorated with colored textiles and statuettes of Hindu deities. The Chef from India prepares traditional Indian and popular European fare. The menu offers Chef salad with crab meat, Dal shorba soup, Chicken kati rolls, Fish Hariali of pikeperch. Ka...
Kamasutra is located not far from the Polsky Spusk in Primorsky district of Odessa. The exotic interior is executed in traditional oriental style. The walls are adorned with bas-reliefs and paintings with fragments of ancient frescoes, Dining area is decorated with colored textiles and statuettes of Hindu deities. The Chef from India prepares traditional Indian and popular European fare. The menu offers Chef salad with crab meat, Dal shorba soup, Chicken kati rolls, Fish Hariali of pikeperch. Kamabar club works in the restaurant, where visitors can enjoy Indian cocktails.
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