Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Pizzeria Mario's Trattoria
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Pizzeria Mario's Trattoria

Mario's Trattoria
Odessa, vul. B. Arnautska 23
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Pizzeria Mario's Trattoria
Odessa, vul. B. Arnautska 23
Odessa, vul. B. Arnautska 23
+38 067 489 5193
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalian
Average bill: 
One of restaurants-pizzerias of network "Mario's trattoria" is located on Velyka Arnautska street, in the centre of Odesa. The pride of the restaurant is its real wood-burning oven, in which special thin pizza is baked. Menu has calzone — closed pizza, as well as rectangular pizza for a large company and pizza on a thin dough with different varieties of fillings. In addition, guests can taste traditional dishes of Italian and European cuisine. Complex business-lunches are served on weekdays. The...
One of restaurants-pizzerias of network "Mario's trattoria" is located on Velyka Arnautska street, in the centre of Odesa. The pride of the restaurant is its real wood-burning oven, in which special thin pizza is baked. Menu has calzone — closed pizza, as well as rectangular pizza for a large company and pizza on a thin dough with different varieties of fillings. In addition, guests can taste traditional dishes of Italian and European cuisine. Complex business-lunches are served on weekdays. There is a possibility to order takeaway food, as well as its own food delivery service works.
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