Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Mozart

Restaurant Mozart

Odessa, vul. Lanzheronovska 13
Все фотографии
Restaurant Mozart
Odessa, vul. Lanzheronovska 13
Odessa, vul. Lanzheronovska 13
+38 048 237 7777
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Average bill: 
Mozart welcomes its guests on Teatralna Square. This luxury restaurant occupies two floors and features bar, summer terrace, VIP hall, as well as Greek and White halls. This place has a classic interior design in pastel tones of beige. Walls are decorated with reproductions of famous artists’ paintings and living plants. The furniture is made of dark wood. Guests can enjoy traditional European and Odessa cuisine. The specialties include risotto with porcini, pasta with foie gras and fried Black ...
Mozart welcomes its guests on Teatralna Square. This luxury restaurant occupies two floors and features bar, summer terrace, VIP hall, as well as Greek and White halls. This place has a classic interior design in pastel tones of beige. Walls are decorated with reproductions of famous artists’ paintings and living plants. The furniture is made of dark wood. Guests can enjoy traditional European and Odessa cuisine. The specialties include risotto with porcini, pasta with foie gras and fried Black Sea bullheads. The restaurant serves buffet breakfast.
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