Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Prichal #1

Restaurant Prichal #1

Prichal #1
Odessa, pliazh Lanzheron 6
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Restaurant Prichal #1
Odessa, pliazh Lanzheron 6
Odessa, pliazh Lanzheron 6
+38 048 722 3311
Cuisine:  EuropeanMediterraneanUkrainianFish
Average bill: 
Prichal N1 (‘Moorage N1’) is a two-story family restaurant located on the Langeron beach. Children can have fun in the specially equipped play room on the ground floor. Professional animators entertain kids on Sundays. The summer terrace on the first floor provides a panoramic view of the Black Sea. The menu offers Greek, Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. Guests can also enjoy Odessa fare with fresh seafood like mussels in red sauce, grilled mullet and gobies as well as lamb leg stewed in red w...
Prichal N1 (‘Moorage N1’) is a two-story family restaurant located on the Langeron beach. Children can have fun in the specially equipped play room on the ground floor. Professional animators entertain kids on Sundays. The summer terrace on the first floor provides a panoramic view of the Black Sea. The menu offers Greek, Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. Guests can also enjoy Odessa fare with fresh seafood like mussels in red sauce, grilled mullet and gobies as well as lamb leg stewed in red wine. Guests can choose the basis for their cocktails.
Site: prichal1.com
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