Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Bar Scotch'n'Soda
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Bar Scotch'n'Soda

Odessa, bul. Primorskiy 7
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Bar Scotch'n'Soda
Odessa, bul. Primorskiy 7
Odessa, bul. Primorskiy 7
+38 096 700 0184
Cuisine:  European
Average bill: 

There is a cozy bar "Scotch'n'Soda" on Prymorskyi boulevard, in the heart of Odesa.

here is a wide assortment of selected Scotch whiskey. In addition, menu odders special soda of its own production.

Menu is based on popular dishes of European and American cuisine. Guests can order breakfast in the mornings.

There are special hot dogs, which are made according to unique author's recipe. In addition, on the territory of the bar guests can try on and buy jeans of Levi's company.

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