Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Cafe StarPizzaCafe
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Cafe StarPizzaCafe

Odessa, ul. Krymskaia 74
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Cafe StarPizzaCafe
Odessa, ul. Krymskaia 74
Odessa, ul. Krymskaia 74
+38 098 033 0102
Cuisine:  EuropeanItalian
Average bill: 
One of four pizzerias of network “Starpizza” is located in the central part of Odesa, on Krymska street. Here visitors can taste popular dishes of European and Italian cuisine. The emphasis is on the special pizza from a thin and lush dough with different varieties of fillings. In addition, guests are served a variety of first courses, burgers and sandwiches, salads and desserts. There is a large selection of coffee mixes and elite teas. There is also a children's play area, where animators play...
One of four pizzerias of network “Starpizza” is located in the central part of Odesa, on Krymska street. Here visitors can taste popular dishes of European and Italian cuisine. The emphasis is on the special pizza from a thin and lush dough with different varieties of fillings. In addition, guests are served a variety of first courses, burgers and sandwiches, salads and desserts. There is a large selection of coffee mixes and elite teas. There is also a children's play area, where animators play with kids. Its own delivery service works.

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