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Cafe Suluguni Cafe

Suluguni Cafe
Odessa, vul. Akademika Filatova 17
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Cafe Suluguni Cafe
Odessa, vul. Akademika Filatova 17
Odessa, vul. Akademika Filatova 17
+38 068 885 2255
Cuisine:  Georgian
Average bill: 
There is a restaurant "Suluguni Cafe" on Academika Filatova street in Kyivskyi district of Odesa. Modern style of interior is complemented by colourful elements of ethno decor: soft sofas, chairs of sand and red hues, massive tables, made of natural wood, the walls are decorated with original patterns and live plants. Menu offers a wide range of modern Georgian dishes, cooked according to traditional recipes. Visitors can order khachapuri and khinkali, snacks and salads, soups and main dishes,...

There is a restaurant "Suluguni Cafe" on Academika Filatova street in Kyivskyi district of Odesa.

Modern style of interior is complemented by colourful elements of ethno decor: soft sofas, chairs of sand and red hues, massive tables, made of natural wood, the walls are decorated with original patterns and live plants.

Menu offers a wide range of modern Georgian dishes, cooked according to traditional recipes. Visitors can order khachapuri and khinkali, snacks and salads, soups and main dishes, home-made sauces and side dishes, as well as various dishes of meat and vegetables, cooked on grill.

Specialties of the house are:

  • khachapuri on mangal,
  • khachapuri in Imeretian style,
  • special khachapuri "Suluguni" with veal, pork, suluguni and tomato cheese,
  • khinkali with lamb, with cottage cheese and cherries,
  • assorted phali,
  • "Tbilisuri" salad with chicken,
  • soup "Kharcho",
  • chahokhbili,
  • chicken tapaka,
  • Black Sea mussels in wine sauce with Georgian herbs,
  • assorted shish-kebab and lyulya-kebab,
  • spicy sausages from pork and veal with pomegranate inside "Abhazuri".

The emphasis is made on home lemonades and teas.

There is a dessert card with specialties: baked apple with honey and nuts, matsoni, baklava.

The wine list includes exquisite Georgian wine brands, as well as author's Ukrainian wines, wines from France, Italy, Chile and Portugal. There is a special chacha in the bar.

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