Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant The Dom

Restaurant The Dom

The Dom
Odessa, vul. Uspenska 55
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Restaurant The Dom
Odessa, vul. Uspenska 55
Odessa, vul. Uspenska 55
+38 068 808 0880
Cuisine:  EuropeanGreekSeafoodUkrainian
Average bill: 
The Dom is located in the ancient building of the early twentieth century in Primorsky district of Odessa. The menu offers European and Japanese cuisine in the author’s interpretation of the chef. The chef recommends salad with smoked salmon and cheese mix, veal steak with asparagus, pumpkin cream soup with salmon, chicken fillet with scallops and cherry tomatoes, Chipsony potato chips with soft filling. Sweet lovers will appreciate Saint Honore cake of profiteroles. Early birds will find breakf...
The Dom is located in the ancient building of the early twentieth century in Primorsky district of Odessa. The menu offers European and Japanese cuisine in the author’s interpretation of the chef. The chef recommends salad with smoked salmon and cheese mix, veal steak with asparagus, pumpkin cream soup with salmon, chicken fillet with scallops and cherry tomatoes, Chipsony potato chips with soft filling. Sweet lovers will appreciate Saint Honore cake of profiteroles. Early birds will find breakfast options. The menu also offers a selection of seafood dishes prepared on the grill. The modern dining room is executed in pastel beige tones with elegant furniture, wooden beams on the ceiling, crude stone and natural plants.
Site: thedom.od.ua
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