Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Trattoria Soldi
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Restaurant Trattoria Soldi

Trattoria Soldi
Odessa, ul. Grecheskaya 1A
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Restaurant Trattoria Soldi
Odessa, ul. Grecheskaya 1A
Odessa, ul. Grecheskaya 1A
+38 098 850 8158
Cuisine:  VegetarianEuropeanItalianGeorgianMediterraneanJapanese
Trattoria Soldi is a fine Italian restaurant located at the crossing of Kanatna and Grecheska Streets. The restaurant occupies three floors of a historic building. The dining area is decorated in warm colors with frescoes of meals and scenic views of the Venice canal on the walls. There is a massive dark wood furniture and aged household items. The menu offers fare of the Apennine peninsula prepared according to classic recipes. The chef recommends rack of lamb with grilled vegetables. Guests ca...
Trattoria Soldi is a fine Italian restaurant located at the crossing of Kanatna and Grecheska Streets. The restaurant occupies three floors of a historic building. The dining area is decorated in warm colors with frescoes of meals and scenic views of the Venice canal on the walls. There is a massive dark wood furniture and aged household items. The menu offers fare of the Apennine peninsula prepared according to classic recipes. The chef recommends rack of lamb with grilled vegetables. Guests can enjoy vintage wines of different regions of Italy
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