Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Ukrainskaia Lasunka
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Restaurant Ukrainskaia Lasunka

Ukrainskaia Lasunka
Odessa, ul. Novoselskogo 2
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Restaurant Ukrainskaia Lasunka
Odessa, ul. Novoselskogo 2
Odessa, ul. Novoselskogo 2
+38 048 723 7201
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Average bill: 
Ukrainian Lasunka welcomes its guests in Primorsky district of Odessa. It is a part of the restaurant chain. The menu offers traditional Ukrainian cuisine. Wall painting, national dress and vintage household items complement the ethnic interior design. Guests can enjoy borshch, varenyky (dumplings), pike caviar and lamb leg and ‘Do stolu’ shank, hominy, stuffed cabbage rolls and zrazy. Beverage options include Horilka (‘vodka’). Guests can hear live music in the evenings and relax on the spacious summer terrace in warm, sunny days.
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