Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Versailles
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Restaurant Versailles

Odessa, vul. Filatova Akademika 8/10
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Restaurant Versailles
Odessa, vul. Filatova Akademika 8/10
Odessa, vul. Filatova Akademika 8/10
+38 048 766 5052
Cuisine:  European
Average bill: 
Versailles is located in Kievsky district of Odessa on Cheryomushki. The restaurant features main and three spacious banquet halls decorated in simple classic style. Visitors can relax on a summer terrace during warm, sunny days. The menu offers traditional European fare. Guests can enjoy meat and fish dishes cooked on the grill. There is a separate banquet menu. The restaurant serves lunches on weekdays. Confectioners bake cakes to order.
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