Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Cafe Wood Luxury
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Cafe Wood Luxury

Wood Luxury
Odessa, per. Shampanskiy
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Cafe Wood Luxury
Odessa, per. Shampanskiy
Odessa, per. Shampanskiy
+38 048 736 7695
Cuisine:  VegetarianEuropeanSteakhouseJapanese
Average bill: 
Wood Luxury is located in the territory of Dolphin beach in Champansky Lane in Odessa. This summer cafe serves popular European, Scandinavian and Odessa cuisine. Cooks prepare food on hot volcanic rocks in the center of the hall. The menu offers meat and seafood dishes. There is a separate children’s menu. Guests can also order diet fare and BBQ menu. Beverage options include a selection of fine Italian wines and creative cocktails.
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