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Restaurant Bessarabiya

Kyiv, pl. Bessarabskaia 7
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Restaurant Bessarabiya
Kyiv, pl. Bessarabskaia 7
Kyiv, pl. Bessarabskaia 7
+38 098 356 8686
Cuisine:  EuropeanFishOdesskaya
There is a restaurant "Bessarabia" on Besarabska square, in a five minutes walk from the metro station “Teatralna”. The main decoration of the hall, located on the first floor, is a Bessarabian seafood bar, which is a huge showcase of fresh seasonal fish and shellfish on ice. There is a small and cozy wine room in the back of the hall. The first floor is occupied with cocktail bar. Interior is made in neutral tones and decorated by designers in casual style. Bright addition and thematic decorat...

There is a restaurant "Bessarabia" on Besarabska square, in a five minutes walk from the metro station “Teatralna”. The main decoration of the hall, located on the first floor, is a Bessarabian seafood bar, which is a huge showcase of fresh seasonal fish and shellfish on ice.

There is a small and cozy wine room in the back of the hall. The first floor is occupied with cocktail bar. Interior is made in neutral tones and decorated by designers in casual style. Bright addition and thematic decoration are handmade carpets with Bessarabian patterns and ornaments.

The main emphasis in menu is made on regional seafood, seasonal fish, lamb and beef. Chefs specialise in cooking popular dishes of Southern Ukrainian cuisine in the author's interpretation. Meat and fish, represented in menu, are ripen in specially installed cameras. Danube herring, Black Sea mussels and crustaceans, rapans and trout, pike perch, carp are supplied to Bessarabia several times a week.

Specialties of the house are:

  • tartare from Black Sea shrimps and crustaceans,
  • Lolly-frogs from frog legs with citrus-honey sauce,
  • chorba with mutton giblets, lamb, melted in milk, with truffle puree and caramel sauce,
  • rice with Black Sea gobies, pike-perch, mussels, rapans, crawfish and goat's cheese.

And chocolate dessert with raspberries.

Mutton is cooked in the restaurant in several variations: it is dipped in milk and served with truffle puree, also roast lamb ribs with vegetables, special "sheep's back”, lamb sausages, fried lamb kidney with chickpeas and tomatoes are served.

There is a number of traditional Bessarabian dishes:

  • plachinda,
  • forshmak,
  • mamalyga,
  • fish soup.

Ukrainian wines and New World wines, as well as author's cocktails with fortified wines, traditional liqueurs, mezcal and calvados on rhubarb and strawberries are served. Special Bessarabian coffee on the sand is offered. The restaurant hosts gypsy style parties on Fridays.


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