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Restaurant Black Market (Black Market Restaurant)

Black Market
Kyiv, vul. Mechnikova 2
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Restaurant Black Market (Black Market Restaurant)
Kyiv, vul. Mechnikova 2
Kyiv, vul. Mechnikova 2
+38 050 388 3088
Cuisine:  European
Average bill: 
«Black Market Restaurant» is a restaurant of intellectual cosmopolitan cuisine based on local products. The menu offers traditional dishes of European cuisine such as soups, salads and snacks, dumplings and pasta, dishes of poultry and meat, fish and seafood, grill, side dishes and desserts. The exclusive feature of the restaurant is an excellent repertoire of very original cuisine cooked by the Chef Victor Tymchyshyn. The innovative technologies such as sous-vide, low temperature cooking, flash...
«Black Market Restaurant» is a restaurant of intellectual cosmopolitan cuisine based on local products. The menu offers traditional dishes of European cuisine such as soups, salads and snacks, dumplings and pasta, dishes of poultry and meat, fish and seafood, grill, side dishes and desserts. The exclusive feature of the restaurant is an excellent repertoire of very original cuisine cooked by the Chef Victor Tymchyshyn. The innovative technologies such as sous-vide, low temperature cooking, flash frying on both sides, meat aging, a special equipment for making airy mash and own smokehouse are used to prepare dishes listed in the menu. The cocktail card is divided into several categories: hard cocktails, sweet cocktails, sours, fizz and spritz, and special cocktails to drink in morning hours only.
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