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Restaurant Merlin

Kyiv, vul. Mezhova 24
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Restaurant Merlin
Kyiv, vul. Mezhova 24
Kyiv, vul. Mezhova 24
+38 096 116 3354
Cuisine:  EuropeanBarbecue menu
Restaurant ""Merlin"" is located in Podolsky district of Kyiv, on Mezheva street. There are three halls: Arthur for forty people, as well as Star hall for 25 people and bakery hall Knight's for 80 guests. Original interior is made in medieval style and recreates the atmosphere of royal castle. Stone walls and exquisite chandeliers, paintings on the walls and painted ceilings, steel swords and knight attributes are used as elements of decor. Chefs specialise in cooking of traditional European...

Restaurant ""Merlin"" is located in Podolsky district of Kyiv, on Mezheva street.

There are three halls: Arthur for forty people, as well as Star hall for 25 people and bakery hall Knight's for 80 guests.

Original interior is made in medieval style and recreates the atmosphere of royal castle.

Stone walls and exquisite chandeliers, paintings on the walls and painted ceilings, steel swords and knight attributes are used as elements of decor.

Chefs specialise in cooking of traditional European cuisine. There are separate banquet menu and children's menu.

Guests can order complex business-lunches on weekdays. Visitors are served fragrant hookahs. Live music sounds in the evenings.


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