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Restaurant Prichal 47

Prichal 47
Kyiv, vul. Sofiyivska 14
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Restaurant Prichal 47
Kyiv, vul. Sofiyivska 14
Kyiv, vul. Sofiyivska 14
+38 094 953 3914
Maydan Nezalezhnosti
Cuisine:  SeafoodOdesskaya
Average bill: 
Guests are met in the restaurant "Prichal 47" in the heart of Kyiv, on Sofievska street. The entrance to the institution is decorated with a real mast. The restaurant has two floors and consists of upper and lower halls. Summer terrace, decorated with cozy shutters and abundance of live flowers, works during warm season. Interior is made in a blue-white colour scheme and decorated in marine style. Guests can watch the cooking process of special dishes in the open kitchen of main hall. The resta...

Guests are met in the restaurant "Prichal 47" in the heart of Kyiv, on Sofievska street.

The entrance to the institution is decorated with a real mast. The restaurant has two floors and consists of upper and lower halls. Summer terrace, decorated with cozy shutters and abundance of live flowers, works during warm season. Interior is made in a blue-white colour scheme and decorated in marine style. Guests can watch the cooking process of special dishes in the open kitchen of main hall. The restaurant has small refrigerator, where fresh Black Sea catch is kept. White brick walls are decorated paintings in marine themes.

There is a scene for live performances and several plasma screens for broadcasting sports events and watching movies in the lower hall. Guests will find here a wide range of traditional Odesa dishes, cooked by the old home recipes. The main pride of the house is dishes, cooked from the Black Sea catch. The restaurant delivers seafood and fish straight from Odessa daily, while chefs cook tulle, smoke mackerel, and cook the crucians, mussels, rapans, tsatsa, horse mackerel, gobies and other products of the sea.

There is an assortment of meat and vegetarian dishes. Freshly baked Jewish bread hala is served in the restaurant on Fridays and Saturdays. Guests are offered a complex breakfast in the morning, and Odessa lunches — in the daytime.

Menu contains stewed sou-vide in a sour-sweet sauce with prunes, honey filling and stewed potatoes Esik Flash, falafel with vegetables, sauce in pita and chicken, the Black Sea fish soup, salad with basturma, Odessa dandelion, cherry tomato and goat cheese, honey tsimis.

The bar menu consists of strong drinks, classical and author's cocktails, among which are the "Tales of Moisha", "Fima in the resort", "Rosachka”.


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