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Restaurant Samogon FISH Bar (Samogon Fish Bar)

Samogon FISH Bar
Kyiv, vul. Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska 25
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Restaurant Samogon FISH Bar (Samogon Fish Bar)
Kyiv, vul. Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska 25
Kyiv, vul. Naberezhno-Khreshchatytska 25
+38 098 888 7858
Kontraktova ploshcha
Cuisine:  UkrainianOdesskayaBarbecue menu
Average bill: 
Odesa restaurant "Samogon Fish Bar" is located in historical part of the capital, in Podil district. There are two main halls, each of them can host up to 60 guests, as well as chamber hall-library for eighteen persons and summer terrace, called "Odessa Courtyard", where seventy visitors can sit. Guests can see interesting details and everyday objects of Ukrainians from different eras in the ...

Odesa restaurant "Samogon Fish Bar" is located in historical part of the capital, in Podil district. There are two main halls, each of them can host up to 60 guests, as well as chamber hall-library for eighteen persons and summer terrace, called "Odessa Courtyard", where seventy visitors can sit. Guests can see interesting details and everyday objects of Ukrainians from different eras in the halls. Rare players, authentic buffets, decorative shovels and collection of canes are used here, as decor elements, and unusual chair-jackets serve as furniture. Visitors can see a real moonshine machine in one of the halls. Menu contains author's dishes of Ukrainian cuisine. The main feature of menu is a wide selection of Black Sea fish and seafood: oysters, mussels, sea bass, mullet and tulle. Guests can order complex business-lunches on weekdays. Meat and fish dishes are cooked in the restaurant in own smokehouse or on open fire brazier. Specialties of the house are pan of the Black Sea sea-food, mussel pan in sauce, sauté from rapans in creamy wine sauce, roasted tulka from Odessa’s Pryvoz market, zakarpatskyi trout on grill, classical forshmack in Odessa, bruskets with marinated Odessa sprat, pate from chicken liver with sauce from forest berries, special pickles, meat specialties of own production, pork chelogach on braizer, firm cutlet in Kiev with cream sauce and mashed potatoes. The pride of the restaurant is the assortment of homemade tinctures, which are cooked according to old recipes, as well as special alcoholic drink — moonshine. There are cherry, raspberry, cranberry, sea buckthorn, currants tinctures, as well as hrenovuha, medovuha and pertsovka. Also there are red and white crochets. Special craft beer, produced in Ukraine and Belgium, is offered. Among the desserts there are special Kiev cake, cooked according to the recipe of 1864, as well as sorbet from liqueurs and home-made sour-cream cake with drunken cherry. Live music sounds in the restaurant, popular DJs perform on Fridays and Saturdays.

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