Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Al Mezze
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Restaurant Al Mezze

Al Mezze
Odessa, vul. Ekaterininska 10
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Restaurant Al Mezze
Odessa, vul. Ekaterininska 10
Odessa, vul. Ekaterininska 10
+38 048 788 8846
Cuisine:  Middle EasternLebaneseMoroccanThe Israeli
Average bill: 
There is a restaurant of modern Middle Eastern cuisine "Al Mezze" in the heart of Odesa, on Kateryninska street. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of popular dishes from Israel, Lebanon and Morocco. Visitors can find salads, soups, main dishes, meat and fish dishes on grill. The main emphasis is made on meze: traditional snacks, represented in 12 options to choose from. There are such mezes as "Muamarra from pepper", "Babaganush", "Labene with mint", "Matbuha", "Forshmak", "Tabule". In addition...

There is a restaurant of modern Middle Eastern cuisine "Al Mezze" in the heart of Odesa, on Kateryninska street.

Visitors can enjoy a wide range of popular dishes from Israel, Lebanon and Morocco. Visitors can find salads, soups, main dishes, meat and fish dishes on grill.

The main emphasis is made on meze: traditional snacks, represented in 12 options to choose from. There are such mezes as "Muamarra from pepper", "Babaganush", "Labene with mint", "Matbuha", "Forshmak", "Tabule".

In addition, specialties of the house include:

  • salad with honey pear and cheese halumi,
  • sambusik with veal,
  • signature pita with falafel, chicken, hummus and mushrooms,
  • hummus with roasted chicken fillet Jerusalem mix,
  • special hummus with chicken and falafel,
  • shakshuka with chopped veal,
  • Tajin "7 vegetables",
  • lamb kebab,
  • skewers of veal,
  • octopus grilled with tomato sauce.
Special desserts are chocolate tart with pistachio ice-cream, creamy mousse with syrup and roses and fruits "Malabi".

There are various teas of their own production, and the emphasis is made on Israeli wines.

The main hall of the restaurant is divided into two separate areas by bar counter. Guests can sit at the tables for two at the window, and there are also places for a big company. Interior is dominated by modern style and oriental decor elements, one of the walls is set aside for a vertical garden.

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