Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Bernardazzi

Restaurant Bernardazzi

Odessa, vul. Bunina 15
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Restaurant Bernardazzi
Odessa, vul. Bunina 15
Odessa, vul. Bunina 15
+38 067 000 2511
Cuisine:  European
Average bill: 
Bernardatstsi Restaurant and Odessa Philharmonic are situated in a historical building in the heart of Odessa. The menu offers delicious European, Mediterranean and Japanese fare in the author’s interpretation of the chef. There is vintage and exclusive wine from all over the world. The feature of the restaurant is a ‘blind’ tasting. Guests can experience the whole range of taste sensations of fine wine. Bernardazzi often holds wine festivals and the Odessa International Film Festival once a year.
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