Odessa / Restaurants catalog in Odessa / Restaurant Fanconi Nomia
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Restaurant Fanconi Nomia

Fanconi Nomia
Odessa, vul. Akademika Filatova, 17
Restaurant Fanconi Nomia
Odessa, vul. Akademika Filatova, 17
Odessa, vul. Akademika Filatova, 17
Restaurant «Fanconi Nomia», located on Academika Filatova street, is a part of network «Fanconi 1872». There are three small and cozy halls for guests, including non-smoking hall for tatami. Visitors can relax on summer terrace during warm season, there are comfortable furniture and wicker fence. Laconic and elegant interior of the restaurant is decorated in style of modern Japanese minimalism with natural materials, pastel colours and thematic elements of ethno-decor. Dishes of Japanese cuisine...
Restaurant «Fanconi Nomia», located on Academika Filatova street, is a part of network «Fanconi 1872». There are three small and cozy halls for guests, including non-smoking hall for tatami. Visitors can relax on summer terrace during warm season, there are comfortable furniture and wicker fence. Laconic and elegant interior of the restaurant is decorated in style of modern Japanese minimalism with natural materials, pastel colours and thematic elements of ethno-decor. Dishes of Japanese cuisine are cooked by the traditional recipes from natural fresh products. In addition, there are European dishes in menu. The main emphasis is made on soups from meat, fish and vegetables, as well as on noodles and deep-fried dishes. Breakfast is served every morning. Specialties of the house are: rolls with caviar of flying fish "Fanconi", assorted plate from eight kinds of sushi, sashimi with salmon and rolls "California”, called "Fanconi's ship", chicken breast in teriyaki sauce, traditional miso soup, dim sam, shish-kebabs, fillet mignon with white mushroom sauce. Dessert menu contains a number of special treats - sorbet, almond bise with praline, Lemonier cake. Guests can smoke a fragrant hookah.
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