Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Pstrug, Khleb i Vino

Restaurant Pstrug, Khleb i Vino

Pstrug, Khleb i Vino
Lviv, vul. Brativ Rohatyntsiv 49
Все фотографии
Restaurant Pstrug, Khleb i Vino
Lviv, vul. Brativ Rohatyntsiv 49
Lviv, vul. Brativ Rohatyntsiv 49
+38 050 373 9654
Cuisine:  EuropeanFish
Average bill: 
"Trout, Bread and Wine" is located at Arsenalna Square. The restaurant is a two-storey place with huge clock as a symbol of old Lviv City Hall. Guests can enjoy playing the Ukrainian surma. The menu offers a wide selection of European and traditional Carpathian cuisines. Guests can enjoy trout, the old name of which is pstrug prepared according to old home recipes. There is a new soup for lunch every day. Guests can order popular mulled wine.
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