Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Vintage Nouveau
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Restaurant Vintage Nouveau

Vintage Nouveau
Lviv, vul. Staroyevreyska 25/27
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Restaurant Vintage Nouveau
Lviv, vul. Staroyevreyska 25/27
Lviv, vul. Staroyevreyska 25/27
+38 032 235 6834
Cuisine:  VegetarianEuropean
Average bill: 
"Vintage Nouveau" is a restaurant of haute European cuisine. It is located on the first floor of Vintage Boutique Hotel in the very center of the Old City. The interior of the three halls of the restaurant is executed in vintage style that combines ancient and modern things: chests, clocks, candlesticks, black-and-white photos. The restaurant serves popular Italian and French fare in author’s interpretation of Yuri Kovrizhenko, Restaurant’s Chef. The menu offers dishes from local and...
"Vintage Nouveau" is a restaurant of haute European cuisine. It is located on the first floor of Vintage Boutique Hotel in the very center of the Old City. The interior of the three halls of the restaurant is executed in vintage style that combines ancient and modern things: chests, clocks, candlesticks, black-and-white photos. The restaurant serves popular Italian and French fare in author’s interpretation of Yuri Kovrizhenko, Restaurant’s Chef. The menu offers dishes from local and natural products. This place is famous for salmon ravioli and champagne jelly. Anyone can order a tasting and enjoy the rare wines from all around the world.
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