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Restaurant Bagrationi

Kyiv, pr. Bazhana 14
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Restaurant Bagrationi
Kyiv, pr. Bazhana 14
Kyiv, pr. Bazhana 14
+38 044 501 8681
Osokorky, Poznyaky
Cuisine:  EuropeanGeorgian
Average bill: 
There is a restaurant "Bagrationi" on the Left Bank in Kyiv, across the street from the lake Sribnyi kil on the street Bazhana. It is named after one of the most ancient Georgian dynasties. Here guests are served popular dishes of Georgian cuisine and European cuisine, most of which are cooked according to old family recipes. Some dishes are made in a special Georgian pottery "ketsi", which is able to maintain the taste and the temperature of the dish, when it is served on the table. Specialt...

There is a restaurant "Bagrationi" on the Left Bank in Kyiv, across the street from the lake Sribnyi kil on the street Bazhana. It is named after one of the most ancient Georgian dynasties.

Here guests are served popular dishes of Georgian cuisine and European cuisine, most of which are cooked according to old family recipes.

Some dishes are made in a special Georgian pottery "ketsi", which is able to maintain the taste and the temperature of the dish, when it is served on the table.

Specialties of the house include:

  • Bagrationi dish from quails and bell peppers,
  • lamb chanakh,
  • ojahuri,
  • kuchmachi on ketsi,
  • suluguni roasted on ketsi,
  • bovine eggs baked with mushrooms on ketsi "Kverebi",
  • Abkhazian kupaty,
  • chkmeruli,
  • chahokhbili,
  • veal tenderloin baked with mushrooms "Queen Tamara",
  • pike perch "Lazuli",
  • salads "Tbilisuri" and "Genatsvale".
In addition, there is a range of khachapuri and khinkali, as well as shish kebab, made from pork neck, pork ribs, lamb on bone, veal and pork tenderloin.

Special desserts are strudel with ice-cream, "Napoleon" cake, cheesecake.

The main emphasis is made on exquisite Georgian wines. The restaurant can host up to 70 guests, banquet hall is made for 30 guests, and cozy VIP-room— for 15 guests.

Interior is decorated in classical style with elements of ethnic decor: dark cherry colours, ornate decor, crystal chandeliers, exquisite furniture, bright colours finishing. The walls are covered with plot pictures telling about the historical events of Georgia, colourful landscapes, portraits of legendary figures of the country. Visitors can enjoy live music in the evenings.


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