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Restaurant Shekavica

Kyiv, vul. Kostjantinіvs'ka 46/52
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Restaurant Shekavica
Kyiv, vul. Kostjantinіvs'ka 46/52
Kyiv, vul. Kostjantinіvs'ka 46/52
+38 044 485 2579
Tarasa Shevchenka
Cuisine:  EuropeanUkrainian
Average bill: 
In the old Podil district there is a museum-restaurant Shecavica. The interior is designed in ethnic Ukrainian style, dining rooms are decorated with collection of original household items. In the evening guests of the restaurant may enjoy folk Ukrainian songs sung by on-stage performance groups. The menu offers a big variety of traditional Ukrainian dishes cooked following home recipes. The bar menu lists different berry and house special (nastoika) liquors.

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