Lviv / Restaurants catalog in Lviv / Restaurant Lemberg graf
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Restaurant Lemberg graf

Lemberg graf
Lviv, ul. Bratev Rogatintsev 41
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Restaurant Lemberg graf
Lviv, ul. Bratev Rogatintsev 41
Lviv, ul. Bratev Rogatintsev 41
+38 098 617 5725
Cuisine:  Ukrainian
Average bill: 
In the central part of Lviv there is a restaurant called Lemberg Graf. The menu offers signature dishes of Old Slavonic cuisine. The feature of the establishment is that kitchen sources products from local farmers. Specialty of the house is a rack with bean sprouts, smoked ribs with barbeque sauce and a season dish - catfish pie. The bar has 18 sorts of draught beer from the best European breweries and different wines. Guests may ask sommelier to help them to choose an appropriate wine.
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